Find Your Perfect Size

Ring Sizing Guide

Method 01


The distance between two sides of the ring inside

Use Your Current Ring

Measure a metal ring that you already own and fits properly on the exact same finger as the one for your new ring.

Measure It

Put this ring onto a ruler and measure the inside centre line (diameter) in millimetres.

Find Size on Chart

Now find the size for your diameter measurement on the International conversion chart below.

Method 02


The total distance around the finger

Cut a Piece of Paper

Cut a strip of paper (plus-minus 8mm wide x 120mm in length).

Overlapping Paper

Wrap the paper tightly around the ring finger and mark where it completes the circle and the two ends meet.

Measure It

Measure this distance with a ruler in millimetres.

Find Size on Chart

Now find the size for your circumference measurement on the International conversion chart below.

Sizing Chart

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